New to St. John's?

New to St. John's?

It is important to us that you feel welcomed and comfortable when you visit our Community of Faith! Here's some frequently asked question you might be wondering about. Is there something else you'd like to know? Get in touch!

Is your building accessible?

From the parking lot, there is a shallow ramp leading to the front doors. The right door will open with the press of the large button located as you come up the ramp and will close automatically. The sanctuary is to the left and is all on one floor. There is a wheelchair accessible washroom immediately to the left as you enter. If you are in a wheelchair, there is a spot you can pull in to if you wish.

Access to Reid Hall, in the lower level is accessible using the lift is located to the left of the outer doors. The key is located inside the sanctuary and anyone there would be happy to help you with this. 

What kind of Worship will I experience?

St. John’s offers a blended worship service. In some areas we are moving into a more modern worship with the use of technology, singing of hymns and choruses at the beginning of the worship service, the use of more modern music through More Voices and Songs that Move our Souls, …

When you are invited to 'Stand in body or spirit', the choice to sit or stand is yours.  There is no expectation that you will stand physically.

The Offering Plate is available at the back of the church during the service so that those attending who have chosen to support the ministry at St. John's have a way to do so. There is no obligation to put money in the plate.

Our worship service is generally 1 hour longs, 11am to noon.

Do you have fellowship time after worship?

We have the coffee on as you enter the sanctuary for worship. Please help yourself at the beginning and as you wish during the service.

We encourage everyone to stay after the service for a time of fellowship in the sanctuary.

How are children welcomed?

Children are always welcome at St. John's! Sometime during the service our minister will invite the young to participate in a theme time that really is open to all. Our children do not leave the sanctuary during the worship service. As a response to COVID we now have activity bags  available for families to enhance children's worship experience. We are thankful to have  babies and children amongst us and are and accepting of all the sounds that come with their participation.

There is a change table and potty seat located in the upstairs washroom at the back of the sanctuary.

Is your space trans/non-binary inclusive?

At St. John's we welcome everyone to join us in our work and worship, which includes our siblings who are trans and/or non-binary. There is one gender-neutral washroom upstairs at the back of the sanctuary, it is also wheelchair accessible and has a change-table, as well as two gendered bathrooms downstairs in the hall.

What does "affirming" ministry mean?

Affirming means two things. First, that we welcome and celebrate community members of all sexual orientations and gender identities. Second, that we are a part of The Affirming Ministries Program, a network of primarily United Church ministries that strive to be truly welcoming and inclusive sacred safer spaces. 

Is there anything else I might want to know before coming?

St. John’s United Church is a scent free zone. There is no dress code for worship. We come comfortably dressed to worship. We hope you will introduce yourself to the people around you and stay to enjoy fellowship with the congregation.

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