Children's Activities

Children's Activities

  For Lent and Easter

I hope you have fun doing these challenges.  Send me a picture of you with your project.  You might want to add a short note to tell me about what you did.
 We begin the Season of Lent on Ash Wednesday.  
In 2021, that is Wed., Feb. 17.
Lent is a time for us to consider our Discipleship.

And I wonder:  
Am I a Disciple?
Photos by Les Anderson on Unsplash
 Disciples are Helpers

You need something to draw a circle with and a paper to draw on.  Then you will need some crayons or pencil crayons o just a pencil.  Finally you will need a small ball of string or wool.

Now ...
a. Think of 5 ways that you help others in your family and in your neighbourhood. Draw a circle. You can trace a plate if it is round.

Divide it into 4 segments (hey, this is like doing math!).

In each space, draw or colour a way you help others in your family and in your neighbourhood.
That is being a Disciple!
You are doing things that Jesus did!

b. Can you put a name on each of your helping segments?  

c. One of the names could be ‘Being Friendly’. Can you think of 3 more ways to be friendly?

d. Begin with a small ball of string or wool. Stretch you hand along the line of ‘wool’ and tie a knot. Continue to do this. When you are finished you will have a ball of wool with knots that are a handwidth apart. If the first knot is the ‘thing’ you did to be friendly on the circle, and the next 3 knots are the ideas you thought of in #3, can you think of other ways you are friendly – or would like to be friendly – for each of the knots on your string.

e. Now, your investigating mind is working well and you are on your way to having lots of ways to be a Disciple of Jesus, our friend.

f. Now it is time to pray. You can read the prayer out loud or someone else can read it for you. When you get to the _____, you can add some of the ways you have been friendly at home and in your neighbourhood. If you would like to ask someone else to join you in being a Disciple, ask them to help you tomorrow with one of your tasks.

God of Helpers and Families and Neighbourhoods
Thank you for the chance to think about being a Disciple
Thank you for helping me realize 
that being a Disciple can be as easy 
as thinking of ways to be helpers.
Thank you for helping me understand 
that to ______ is to be your disciple.
Tomorrow, when I help, will you please help with me?
Love you, Your name

Disciples are Learners
Let's see if we can learn more about CREATION.  

This might be a task for bedtime - or for getting up in the morning.  It might be a task for relaxation to take a break from your schoolwork.  The trick is to think about Creation and what the story or song is telling you.  Then ask yourself:
Who loves me?
Who do I love?
What around me do I love?
Whose job is it to spread the love?

When you answer that you have the next clue on how to be a Disciple.

Now, what will you do with that clue???

Mama, Do You Love Me?  
Listen to this story by Barbara M. Joosse.

“What if I carried our ptarmigan eggs and I tried to walk slowly and I fell and ...”  

  1. Click Play arrow on the video.
  2. Listen to the story.

All God's Critters Got a Place in the Choir

Listen to this song by Bill Staines

  1. Click Play arrow on the video.
  2. Listen to the song..

Listen to the banjo.  What animal do you think it's sound represents?

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